Hej there, I'm Tim von Oldenburg, a frontend engineer based in Utrecht.
I'm currently building Rise.

My work focuses on design systems and accessibility. Having a hybrid designer-developer background myself, I strive to improve how design and engineering teams collaborate, and I help scale frontend engineering practices sustainably across the whole organization.

The web is a platform with enormous impact on our everyday lives, and I believe it should be open and inclusive to everyone, no matter their cognitive or physical abilities.

In my spare time I learn Dutch, make music, ride the bicycle, and listen to math rock. I also make a great cup of coffee!


Code is the material I design with. Find my open source work on Github and my ramblings on Twitter.


tvooo.de is built using Eleventy using pure HTML, CSS, and some Markdown. It’s hosted on Netlify and the source code can be found on Github.

The website is typset in Petrona by Ringo R. Seeber of Glyph Design Co. For the paintbrush effect highlights…